Best Gospel Lyrics

You Are God

You Are God

Solomon Lange

Jesus Jesus
You are my God I worship you Jesus Jesus 3x
You are my God I worship you

With all that I have
I worship you With all that I am I worship you
You are my God I worship you (Instrumental)

I worship you
Yeah…… Call-Jesus Jesus Jesus
You are my God

I worship you
Oh oh… Jesus Jesus Oh
You are my God
I worship you

With all that I have ( I worship you)
With all that I am
I worship you You are my

God I worship you
With all that I am
I worship you
With all that I have

I worship you You are my God I worship you
He he heh
My father my father
Eh yeah

You are my God
You are my God
(Call and response) C- you are my God
R- you are my God

With all that I am
I worship you
Move and have my being

You are my God
I worship you
You are my God

I worship you Jesus Jesus
You are my God I worship you
Jesus oh Jesus You are my God I worship you


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